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文林馆设立于北齐武平三年(571),是后主高纬时期以修御览为由而设立的一个文学侍从机构。文林馆的设立,标志着北齐文学已上升到了一个新的高度,具有了“文学的自觉”因子。在此,南北各方诗人云集,相互品评、唱和,汲汲于文事活动,极大地活跃了创作,也极大地促进了南北文学的交流和南北文风的融合。正因为文林馆中集中了南北各地的优秀文学人才,北齐诗坛硕果累累才有了可能;也正是这批来自不同地域、不同文化背景和不同阶层的创作团队的存在,才使得北齐诗坛流派纷呈、风格多样,开创了具有独特时代精神的一代诗歌的新局面。特别值得一提的是,一些年轻文士在此感受南北诗艺,迅速成长,之后由齐入周、入隋,为隋代甚至唐代诗歌的发展奠定了基础。 Wenlin Museum was established in the Northern Qi Dynasty Wuping three years (571), is the main high latitude period to repair the royal family as a reference to establish a literary institution. The establishment of the Wenlin Pavilion marks that the Northern Qi literature has risen to a new height and has the “self-consciousness of literature” factor. Here, poets from all walks of life in North and South China gathered in each other, praised each other, sang and learned from literary activities, which greatly aroused the creation. It also greatly promoted the exchange of literature between North and South and the integration of North and South style of writing. It is precisely because Wenlin Museum has concentrated outstanding literary talent from all over the North and the South. It is possible for the poetry in Northern Qi Dynasty to make fruitful achievements. It is also due to the existence of creative teams from different regions, different cultural backgrounds and different social strata, With various styles and diverse styles, it has created a new situation in the generation of poetry with a unique spirit of the times. Particularly worth mentioning is that some young scholar feel the rapid development of North and South poetic art, then into the week by Zhou, Sui for the Sui Dynasty and Tang Dynasty poetry and laid the foundation for the development.
目的探讨延续性护理对糖尿病肾病患者生存质量、心理状态的影响效果。方法 60例糖尿病肾病患者,随机分为对照组和研究组,每组30例。对照组患者进行常规护理,研究组患者在常规