《盘古开天辟地》是根据古代神话改写的一篇神话故事,它和本单元中的童话、寓言虽不属同类体裁,但在曲折地反映生活这一点上又是相同的。学习本文,除了要认识它曲折地反映生活这一特点之外,还应注意两点:一是分析本文在神话传说的基础上进行改写的特点;二是认识联想和想象在这类文章中的重要作用。为了完成这些教学任务,拟从以下四个方面设计对本文的教学。一、导语同学们,我们天天生活在地球上,在我们的身边,每天都演出着普通而又神秘的故事:日出月落,潮涨潮退, 风雨雷电,生老病死……司空见惯,却又不甚了了。人类生活的空间是怎么来的?日月星辰,山水草木,万事万物
“Pangu Opens Earth” is a mythological story rewritten from ancient myths. Although it is not the same genre as the fairy tales and fables in this unit, it is the same in reflecting the life tortuously. In addition to recognizing the characteristics of this article in its tortuous reflection of life, this article should also pay attention to two points: first, analyze the characteristics of this article on the basis of myths and legends; second, understand the association and imagination in such articles. Important role. In order to complete these teaching tasks, we plan to design the teaching of this article from the following four aspects. I. Introduction Students, we live on the earth every day. Everyday, we perform ordinary and mysterious stories: sunrise, moonrise, tides, thunder and lightning, and illness and death. Now. How does the space for human life come from? The stars of the sun, mountains and rivers, all things