潮平两岸阔 风正一帆悬——访全国政协副主席、致公党中央主席、国家科技部部长万钢

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当前,两岸科技交流与合作日益频繁,已成为两岸关系中的重要组成部分和最为活跃的领域之一。近日,我们就两岸科技交流与合作的有关问题采访了全国政协副主席、致公党中央主席、国家科技部部长万钢。万钢首先就当前两岸科技和产业合作的发展态势谈了自己的看法。他说,在两岸科技与产业界人士的共同努力下,两岸在科技与产业领域的交流与合作已经取得了积极成果,特别是2010年《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》的签署,为两岸经贸发展提 At present, the frequent exchanges and cooperation in science and technology between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have become one of the most important parts and the most active areas in the cross-Strait relations. Recently, we interviewed Wan Gang, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of the KMT Central Committee and Minister of Science and Technology, on relevant issues concerning cross-Strait science and technology exchanges and cooperation. Wan Gang first talked about his current views on the current development of science and technology and industrial cooperation across the Taiwan Strait. He said cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation in science and technology and industry have yielded positive results with the joint efforts of people from science and technology and industry across the Taiwan Strait. In particular, the signing of the “Framework Agreement on Economic Cooperation across the Taiwan Strait” in 2010 will provide opportunities for cross-Strait economic and trade development mention
在二楼的荣誉展框中,它如其他被压缩的证书一样安详地栖在那里,验证历史的荣耀。但每次看到它,我的心里就会充满内疚和自责。证书上赫然写着:韩景艳同学为首届 In the honor
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A three-dimensional model of the uplift device of a sugarcane harvester was built up in Pro/Engineer. Simulation and evaluation of its motional and dynamic perf
人们一直认为蜜蜂嗡嗡发声是由于翅膀的振动而产生的,这一观点甚至得到了专家学者的认可。年仅14岁的湖北小姑娘聂利,却用实验否定了这种说法。  2002年春天,当时还在读小学五年级的聂利从自然课上了解到蜜蜂发声是由于它们的翅膀振动产生的。老师还举例说,蜜蜂、苍蝇和蚊子就是靠不断高速扇动翅膀使空气振动,才产生了嗡嗡的声音。聂利产生了兴趣,到自己家附近的养蜂人那里进行了仔细观察,结果发现,蜜蜂聚集在一起休
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长长的波浪,犹如丝织品上的皱褶,一个接一个地离开船头,随之翻涌着,扩大着,晃动着。被螺旋浆旋转时溅起的泡沫,团团翻滚着,颜色乳白,咝咝作响,碎裂成蜿蜒曲折的水流——然后汇集在一起,也被雾霭所吞没,消失了。  年轻的船长无奈地瘫坐在椅子上。一场罕见的暴风不知把他和他的船带到了世界的哪一端,对外的联络系统早已被暴风雨破坏。他迷航了。或许死在自己的首航中也可谓是一种悲壮,可是,握在他手中的还有全船几百条