腐败案牵涉千万元 村支两委几乎全落马

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长期以来,人们总是习惯于将反腐败的目光聚焦于企事业单位、党政机关和部门,而往往忽视了广大农村基层。由于天远地偏或者“一手遮天”,村级腐败更具隐蔽性,其危害性同样不可小视。贵阳市乌当区新庄村以村支书为首的11名涉案人员中,还有村委会主任、党支部委员、村委会委员、出纳、会计、村民组长、工程队长等人员,村、支两委班子几乎全部落马,“抱团”腐败涉案金额竟然上千万元。日前,该村腐败案涉案人员分别被贵阳市中级人民法院以贪污罪、职务侵占罪、挪用资金罪等罪做出终审宣判。原村支书胡绪文作为主犯,数罪并罚判处有期徒刑15年,其余人员分别被判处1至10年不等有期徒刑。这一案件涉案金额之大,作案之猖狂,令人震惊,深刻暴露出村级职务犯罪的预防和遏制存在诸多盲区,亟须引以为戒,创新思维,创新制度,从根本上铲除村干部犯罪的条件和土壤。 For a long time people have always been accustomed to focusing anti-corruption on enterprises and public institutions, party and government organs and departments, and often neglect the vast majority of rural grassroots units. Due to the far-off or “one-handedness”, village-level corruption is more subtle and its harm can not be underestimated. Among the 11 people involved in the project, including Xinzhuang Village, Wudang District, Guiyang, which is led by a village party secretary, there are also village committee directors, party branch members, village committee members, cashiers, accountants, villager leaders, project captains and other personnel, Almost all of the two committees fell, “Bao Tuan” corruption amount even tens of millions of dollars. Recently, the village corruption cases involved were Guiyang Intermediate People’s Court to corruption, job embezzlement, misappropriation of funds and other crimes to make a final verdict. The original village party secretary Xu Xuwen as the main culprit, several crimes concurrently sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, the remaining officers were sentenced to ranging from 1 to 10 years in prison. The amount involved in this case, the rampant crime, shocking and profoundly exposed the existence of many blind spots in the prevention and containment of village-level job-related crimes, it is imperative to take warnings, innovative thinking, innovation system, the fundamental elimination of village cadres Conditions of crime and soil.
困扰国有企业的一个重要问题是难于从严管理。那么影响国有企业从严管理的因素有哪些?有内部原因,也有外部原因。从外部谈,归纳起来,有以下几种: 1.强调“主人”参与管理多,
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