在外界温度变化、荷载或地震等因素的影响下,建筑物常会产生变形、开裂,从而导致结构的破坏。为防止这种破坏,常常要在建筑物的有关部位设置变形缝。本文介绍几种国外有关墙体和楼面变形缝的最新构造设计形式,希望能对国内有关变形缝的构造设计有所帮助。 1 楼面变形缝的构造设计楼面变形缝贯通楼面的各构造层,其面层一般采用4mm厚钢板或预制水磨石块等耐磨材料制成活动盖板,板下设金属调节片或干铺油毡,以防尘土、水等下落,其中金属调节片或干铺油毡的两端分别固定在变形缝两侧的楼板上。这种构造的主要缺点是:
Under the influence of external temperature changes, loads, or earthquakes, buildings often undergo deformation and cracking, leading to structural damage. To prevent this damage, deformation joints are often placed in the relevant parts of the building. This paper introduces several new forms of structural design for foreign-related deformation joints in walls and floors, hoping to help the structural design of deformation joints in China. 1 Structural design of floor deformation joints Floor deformation joints penetrate the structural layers of the floor, and the surface layer is generally made of 4mm thick steel plate or prefabricated terrazzo block and other wear-resistant materials to make the movable cover plate. The linoleum is covered with dust, dirt, water, etc., in which the two ends of the metal adjusting sheet or dry-laid linoleum are respectively fixed on the floor plates on both sides of the deformation joint. The main disadvantages of this construction are: