Paleoearthquake rupture behavior and recurrence of great earthquakes along the Haiyuan fault, northw

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yughg
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The Haiyuan fault is a major seismogenic fault in north-central China where the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake of magnitude 8.5 occurred, resulting in more than 220000 deaths. The fault zone can be divided into three segments based on their geometric patterns and associated geomorphology. To study paleoseismology and recurrent history of devastating earthquakes along the fault, we dug 17 trenches along different segments of the fault zone. Although only 10 of them allow the paleoearthquake event to be dated, together with the 8 trenches dug previously they still provide adequate information that enables us to capture major paleoearthquakes oc- curring along the fault during the past geological time. We discovered 3 events along the eastern segment during the past 14000 a, 7 events along the middle segment during the past 9000 a, and 6 events along the western segment during the past 10000 a. These events clearly depict two temporal clusters. The first cluster occurs from 4600 to 6400 a, and the second occurs from 1000 to 2800 a, approximately. Each cluster lasts about 2000 a. Time period between these two clus- ters is also about 2000 a. Based on fault geometry, segmentation pattern, and paleoearthquake events along the Haiyuan fault we can identify three scales of earthquake rupture: rupture of one segment, cascade rupture of two segments, and cascade rupture of entire fault (three segments). Interactions of slip patches on the surface of the fault may cause rupture on one patch or ruptures of more than two to three patchs to form the complex patterns of cascade rupture events. The Haiyuan fault is a major seismogenic fault in north-central China where the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake of magnitude 8.5 occurred, resulting in more than 220000 deaths. The fault zone can be divided into three segments based on their geometric patterns and associated geomorphology. To study paleoseismology and recurrent history of devastating earthquakes along the fault, we dug 17 trenches along different segments of the fault zone. the only 10 of them allow the paleoearthquake event to be dated together with the 8 trenches dug previously they still provide adequate information that enables we to capture major paleoearthquakes oc-curring along the fault during the past geological time. We discovered 3 events along the fault segment in the past geological time. during the past 10000 a. These events clearly depict two temporal clusters. The first cluster occurs from 4600 to 640 Each cluster lasts about 2000 a. Based on fault geometry, segmentation pattern, and paleoearthquake events along the Haiyuan fault we can identify three scales of earthquake rupture: rupture of one segment, cascade rupture of two segments, and cascade rupture of entire fault (three segments). Interactions of slip patches on the surface of the fault may cause rupture on one patch or ruptures of more than two to three patchs to form the complex patterns of cascade rupture events.
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