【摘 要】
Ventilation and smoke exhaust system of metro station is a large system composed of organic combination of several subsystems. The subsystems need to coordinate and coordinate with each other to ensure the normal operation of the whole system. This paper summarizes the composition of the ventilation and smoke exhaust system of the subway station and the operating modes of the ventilation and smoke exhaust system of the station at the time of the fire so that the readers can fully understand the structure and composition of the ventilation and smoke exhaust system of the subway station. , Station smoke exhaust system operating conditions and personnel evacuation have a certain understanding.
以直链烷基苯(linear alkyl benzenes,LABs)为人文活动示踪物,研究其在黄河三角洲潮间带环境中的分布和降解特征。沉积物样品采集于2007年9月、2008年4月和7月,结果表明,调查
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杆状病毒是一类数量庞大且相异的DNA病毒.这些病毒通过许多复杂的机制操纵昆虫细胞,其中之一就是调节宿主细胞的凋亡.杆状病毒凋亡抑制蛋白(inhibitor of apoptosis protein,
在热或其他刺激条件下,热激因子(heat shock factor,HSF)与热激元件(heat shock element,HSE)结合从而启动表达热激蛋白.与其他生物相比,植物中HSF更具有多样性和复杂性.本文