【摘 要】
For many diseases and surgical procedures, the method of choice has shifted from traditional means, or open surgery, to the use of less invasive means in the l
【机 构】
Institute for Minimally Invasive Medicine, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China“,”Beijing Chuiy
For many diseases and surgical procedures, the method of choice has shifted from traditional means, or open surgery, to the use of less invasive means in the last few decades. These minimally invasive altatives, such as laparoscopic, endoscopic, and interventional ultrasound procedures, usually result in less pain, scarring, recovery time and complication, as well as shorter hospitalization and reduced health-care costs. The trend is predicted to continue with these minimally invasive altatives being used in clinics widely. In addition, these less invasive means will become one of the most important areas in the future of 21st century medicine. rn
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Background To better understand the possibilities of antiangiogenic tumor therapy and to assess possible side effects, we investigated the effect of tumour necr
各位领导、各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们: 大家上午好!乘着海峡西岸经济区发展规划正式获批实施的强劲东风,在中国造纸协会生活用纸专业委员会的指导下,在福州、福清两级市委、市政
杰恩·达尔灵(Jay N.Darling,1876-1962),1876年出生于美国密歇根州,因著名的漫画作品和为动物保护工作做出的成就而闻名于世。达尔灵的父亲马克·华纳·达尔灵是一位在美国