What should we say about Darwin? What is the theory of evolution? Since the publication of The Origin of Species by Darwin’s Theories of Evolution, various views have been pouring in and out of harmony. The Marxist classics enthusiastically hailed the birth of evolution as “Charlie Darwin discovered the law of development of the organic world on our planet.” Evolution provides a reliable naturalist basis for the struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. On the contrary, the bourgeois diehards are grumbling about the theory of evolution that “evolutionary theory” is “livestock philosophy,” and it is claimed that Darwin’s theory of evolution is incompatible with the Bible and the “God’s Will” and that “encirclement and suppression” should be carried out. Coincidentally. In the “gang of four,” they tried their utmost to spread the reactionary “substitution theory,” advocating that philosophy replace the bad influence of the natural sciences with the emergence of an ultra-nihilist reactionary trend of thought that excludes and negates the theory of natural science. Dahl