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身为画家,20世纪的美国诗人卡明斯十分注重诗歌的视觉效果,竭力把绘画的美学原则运用到诗歌创作中,力求表达视觉思维,激发视觉想象。他的许多诗,或以语言描绘出奇特的语义视觉,或以诗行排列组合出生动的形式视觉,或是二者兼而有之,留给了读者广阔的理解和想象空间,具有极强的艺术性。卡明斯运用异乎寻常的语言和形式,挖掘视觉在诗歌创作和欣赏中的潜力,在表达和形式方面开创了一个全新的视野,为现代诗歌的发展和繁荣产生了重要的影响。 As a painter, the 20th century American poet Cummings paid great attention to the visual effects of poetry and endeavored to apply the aesthetic principles of painting to his poetry creation, trying hard to express visual thinking and stimulate visual imagination. Many of his poems, or portrayed in the language of peculiar semantic vision, or the combination of poetry and movement in the form of visual form, or both, leaving the reader a broad understanding and imagination, with very strong Artistic. Cummings explores the potential of vision in the creation and appreciation of poetry using exotic language and forms, opening up a whole new horizon in terms of expression and form, and has an important influence on the development and prosperity of modern poetry.