薰衣草来自拉丁文,大约在1850年开始在法国南部普罗旺斯种植。野生薰衣草生长在山区和较高的平原,手工收获。现代薰衣草种植大约在1950年。杂交薰衣草是Lavandula officinalis和Lavandula spica的杂交种,花期从6月到7月中旬,开花后就收割。Lavandula officinalis生长在海拔548.6~1280米的地方,7月初到8月初开花。Lavandula spica生长在海拔182.88~548.6米的地方。自然界中杂交育种发生在海拔457.2~548.6米的地方,这个海拔范围两种薰衣草均能生长。
Lavender comes from Latin, about 1850 in Provence, southern France. Wild lavender grows in the mountains and higher plains, hand-harvested. Modern lavender plants around 1950. Hybrid Lavender is a hybrid of Lavandula officinalis and Lavandula spica. Flowering from June to mid-July, harvest after flowering. Lavandula officinalis grows at an altitude of 548.6 ~ 1280 meters and begins to bloom in early July and early August. Lavandula spica is grown at an altitude of 182.88 to 548.6 meters. In nature, crossbreeding occurs at an altitude of 457.2 to 548.6 meters, and both lavender species can grow at this elevation.