2001年夏,我同妻、女儿、女婿一行四人,驱车自伦敦向西北180公里的斯特拉福小镇进发。 走近小镇,最先扑入眉睫的是那一碧万里酣绿酣绿的辽阔草地,起起伏伏的绿茵芋绵,可见一座座古堡和教堂的塔尖布缀其间,时隐时现出波光粼粼的艾汶河。向远处凝望,地是绿波绿涛般绵亘数十里的森林。我们是身心被浸透了绿色、闻着醉人的草叶芳香走入小镇的。我们来这个古朴宁静的小镇,不仅是因为这里风景如画给丽迷人,更因为有一个人曾经出生、成长、辞世并安葬在这里。这个人的诗歌和戏剧,300多年来,一直激荡着生活在地球上的世代人们的心灵。世人对他的评说浩如烟诲,仅撷录精华一二:他的同时代人,剧坛敌手又是同行知己、学识卓越的本·琼生,说他是“时代的灵魂”“他不属于一个时代,而属于千秋万代。”诗人海涅认为他是“英格兰的一个精神上的太阳。”还有大文豪高尔基惊叹的称颂“他同巴尔扎克、托尔斯泰,是人类为自己建立的三座丰碑。”这就是伟大的戏剧家威
In the summer of 2001, with his wife, daughter and son-in-law, I drove from Stratford-upon-Avon, a town 180 km northwest of London. Approached the town, the first thing that looming is that one million miles of green envy green broad grass, ups and downs of green taro, you can see a towering fortress and church spire decorated with the time hint The sparkling Irvine. Looking to the distance, to the Green Wave Green Tao stretching tens of miles of forest. We are soaked in green body and mind, smell the intoxicating leaves of grass into the town. We came to this quaint and tranquil town not only because of the picturesque charm of the area, but also because of a person who was born, raised, died and buried here. For more than 300 years, this man’s poetry and drama has been stirring the hearts and minds of generations living on earth. The world’s commentary on his vast smoke, just capture the essence of one or two: his contemporaries, theater rivals and friends, knowledgeable Ben Joan said he was “the soul of the times,” “he does not Belongs to an era, and belongs to generations. ”Heine, the poet, thinks he is“ a spiritual sun in England. ”And the great writer Gorky astonished him.“ He and Balzac, Tolstoy, are human beings for themselves The establishment of the three monuments. ”This is the great playwright