On the road to socialization of information, the two “players” of the United States and Japan come and go one after the other, with the gap widening and sometimes narrowing. The trend in recent years is: First, the gap between Japan and the United States in the field of computer networking is widening. From the point of view of PC penetration, the number of personal computers in the United States is 66.53 million and that of Japan is 9.42 million. In view of the population ratio, the personal computer penetration in the United States is 3.6 times that of Japan. In the aspect of computer networking, Japan lags behind even more. The number of personal computers connected to the United States accounts for 60% to 70% of all personal computers, while that of Japan is only 10% to 20%. Especially since the rapid development of the Internet, In 1995, there were 3.179 million computers connected to the Internet. In the meantime, Japan had only 97,000 computers connected to the Internet, 32.9 times that of the latter. Can be said that due to the development of the Internet led to the expansion of Japan-US information gap.