黑河專員公署:各市縣旗人民政府: 為了加强農情報告工作,使農情真正成為「指導農業生產,决定政策的根據」,並根據中央與東北人民政府的要求:「及時全面了解與掌握情况,總結交流經驗,指導生產」,克服目前農情報告中存在着不够統一不够及時和不够準確,甚至有部份農情報告失掉其應有的作用以至報告錯誤的缺點。為此擬定農情報告幾項規定:
Heihe Commission: Heilongjiang Municipal People’s Government: In order to strengthen the work of reporting on agriculture, the work of agriculture and agribusinesses has truly become “the basis for guiding agricultural production and decision-making.” According to the requirements of the Central and Northeast People’s Governments, “timely and comprehensive understanding and grasping of the situation , Sum up experiences and guide production, ”so as to overcome the shortcomings of the present report on agriculture being not sufficiently integrated and not sufficiently timely and inaccurate, and even some of the reports have lost their due functions and even reported the wrong ones. For this purpose, the drafting of several provisions of the report: