Discuss the suggestion and countermeasure of house price rise

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  摘 要:from the past real estate industry problems highlighted, timely standardized and efficient policy and effective operation of the degree of control is the current national real estate industry priority among priorities. Since the industry management, appropriate sooner rather than later, the expert participation into the mayor's decision. Energy analysis of industry prospect, timely introduction of policies and prevention of policy lag are important preconditions for industry management. This year will be a crucial period for the country to govern the real estate market. I believe the government will take rational and strong concrete measures to maintain the overall stability of the real estate market. This paper puts forward effective measures and Suggestions to solve the problem of rising housing prices.
  關键词: housing price rise, Suggestions, countermeasures, macro-control
  Introduction: at present, China's real estate market is not yet standardized, the rise of housing prices has become a hidden danger of the healthy development of the real estate market, market mechanism failure, it is necessary to stabilize the housing price through national regulation.
  1. Accelerate the construction of China's rural urbanization, further expand the space of urbanization
  The relationship between urbanization and housing price in China depends on the form of urbanization. If urbanization is carried out in the way of farmers entering cities, a large number of rural population will flood into cities, which will result in urban crowding and the pressure of housing shortage. China is a large agricultural country, rural population accounts for more than 80% of the total population, we must change the way of farmers into the city, through the construction of rural economic development zones to accelerate the construction of rural urbanization, according to relevant research, the average level of urbanization in developing countries is about 40%, developed countries 80%~90%, and China only 36%. Compared with developed countries, the level of urbanization in rural areas lags behind. Therefore, China should actively promote the development of county economy and expand the space of urbanization. Attract and encourage farmers to continue to concentrate in the county seat, capital industrial park to the central, a two-wheel drive industrialization and urbanization, absorbing rural surplus labor force, the solution to the problem of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" at the same time, also solved a large number of farmers into the city, so as to ease the housing demand of excessive pressure, promote the decline in house prices, the rural and urban form a "win-win" situation.   2.Improve the real estate tax system
  The government should reduce the tax on real estate to lower the price of housing. In the process of real estate development, to pay all kinds of taxes, these charges are ultimately attributed to the cost of housing, housing prices naturally increased; And by improving the efficiency, reduce work link, the public procedures, announced tax standards, permits the transfer of property rights, rules, municipal, such as data, information query, etc., which not only can greatly improve the controllability of developers for development projects, reduce transaction costs, reduce the development cost, so as to provide powerful guarantee for lower prices.
  First, property tax should be levied as soon as possible. Some scholars believe that the introduction of property tax not only increases the cost of housing, but also helps to activate the second-hand housing market and relieve the pressure of the new housing market. In addition, it can change the expectation of housing buyers in the future, restrain excessive consumption and slow down the rising trend of housing price. Not only that, but it also provides new tax growth points for local governments, arouses their enthusiasm and is conducive to the implementation of the central macro-control policies.
  Second, the transformation of land value added tax collection means. In view of the difficulties in the actual collection and payment of the current value-added tax, the government can incorporate the land value-added tax into the income tax or capital gains tax in the long run.
  Third, to strengthen the transfer of income tax. According to The Times of the housing transfer and the time of the purchase of the housing in a period of time, different tax standards can be formulated for the income from the transfer, and the income from the transfer can be taxed differently.
  3.Establishing and improving relevant laws and regulations
  The housing price level will eventually match the consumption capacity of local residents. The housing price rise needs to be digested through economic growth. The government has the responsibility and space to intervene to achieve the sustainable development goal. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and improve the information feedback monitoring system, land policy, housing policy and other relevant systems and systems to effectively curb the rise of housing prices have an important role.
  Conclusion: house prices from a certain extent, shows the city's economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, but also brings a series of problems of the real estate industry and the society, the relationship between the correct processing knew real estate prices, correctly handle the relationship between property prices rose life with the people, probing into the cause of the rising prices and control the prices in the real estate industry to take the necessary measures and countermeasures will be an important role on the benign development of the real estate industry.
  About the author:
  Lan xi (1997-), female, han, zigong, sichuan, bachelor's degree, research direction: accounting.
  Ding zhuqing (1998-), female, han, sanmenxia, henan, bachelor's degree, research direction: business English.
  丁竹青(1998-),女,汉,河南三门峡,本科,研究方向: 商务英语。
摘 要:随着经济发展水平的不断提升,科学技术的不断进步,全球经济一体化已经成为今后企业的发展趋势,企业成本管理对于企业运营影响不断提升。企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中占据一席之地,就需要充分认识到成本管理对于企业运营的重要性,在企业运营过程中不断探索适合企业发展的成本管理模式和管理方法。只有这样才能让企业运营符合企业自身的发展战略,才能更好的提升企业的竞争力。本文首先介绍了企业成本管理在企业运营中的重
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摘 要:随着社会主义市场经济体制的不断完善,我国经济得到了迅猛发展,经济市场也一直处于发展变化之中。进入新时代后,经济全球化趋势已经到来,在新的金融市场形势下,企业应该做好万全的准备工作,随时准备迎接挑战,只有这样企业才能更好的生存下去。财务管理工作作为企业管理中的重要工作,对于企业自身的发展将会产生重要影响。因此,对于新形势下金融市场财务管理问题的研究具有重要的理论意义与实践意义。本文首先介绍了
摘 要:不管是革命战争时期,还是和平的改革发展时代,我们都需要红色革命精神作为精神食粮,尤其是当代大学生,发扬和传承红色革命精神尤为重要。“少年强,则国强”作为当代大学生应该在红色革命精神引领下树立正确的人生观,价值观,为国家和民族的发展贡献力量。  关键词:大学生;传扬 ;革命精神  一、从革命先烈身上看到的红色革命精神  展开这幅波澜壮阔的革命历史长卷,我们看到在硝烟弥漫的革命战争年代,无数的
摘 要:随着市场经济飞速发展,电力已不再是唯一能量来源,越多新兴产业如:天然气、太阳能、核能、风能、水能等新型能源出现,为电力公司生存带来巨大挑战。目前电力仍是我国生活用能主要来源,但新兴能源竞争力也不容小觑,以电力为主要经济来源的供电企业在能源市场竞争压力不断增大。电力营销水平高低对供电企业市场占有率和企业综合效率起主导作用。本文通过对供电企业当前状况进行概述,分析电力营销工作中存在的不足,并提
摘 要:社会的发展,带来了我们生活中各行各业的进步以及他们的重要进程。从曾经的轿撵到现在的汽车,可见,人类发展的速度是不可估量的,从曾经的人力,到现在的电力,从开始的煤炭到现在的太阳能,这些都是科技的进步,是人类的主要成果。本文就当代社会人类的汽车动力进行主要说明,从机械器件上来阐述与汽车动力的重要关系以及影响因素。  关键词:机械器件;汽车动力;关系和影响  前言:当今社会的发展给人们的出行带来
首先说明一下,这里所指的单片机应当是指学生们刚刚制作完成的、在原理上已经没有问题并且有简易包装的单片机装置,可以称之为初级单片机系统。  事实上,单片机控制的仪器仪表比比昏是,占有相当大的比例,连PLC内部也有单片机。不过,这里的单片机并非初级单片机系统,而是十分完善且久经考验的工业成熟产品。  大家都知道,在工业现场中有大量的电动机。传统的电动机控制电路采用断路器做短路保护,用接触器做合分切换,
摘 要:随着市场经济的不断发展,经济全球化趋势的到来,不管是国有企业还是民营企业都迎来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。对企业来说,要想在复杂多变的市场竞争中占据一席之地,就需要做好企业的内部控制体系建设工作,该工作是现代企业制度非常重要的组成部分,也是企业完成科学管理的重要手段。完善的企业运营管理体系的构建,对于企业防范风险,提高企业管理效率具有重要作用,对于增强企业的经济效益具有重要作用。但是从当前企业
厕所问题不是小事情,是城乡文明建设的重要方面,要把这项工作作为乡村振兴战略的一项具体工作来推进,努力补齐这块影响群 众生活品质的短板。农村“厕所革命”是推进农村人居环境整治,实现乡村文化振兴、生态振兴的重要举措,也是推动农村全面进步、农民全面发展的有力抓手。为全面了解我市农村“厕所革命”情况,进一步推进农村改厕工作,近日,我进行了专题调研,现将有关情况报告如下:  一、基本情况  我市农村改工作始
摘 要:目的 探讨医院感染管理的有效方法,以控制医院感染,提高医疗护理质量。方法 在医院感染管理中采用督查管理的方法,把管理的中心由“结果管理”转移到“过程管理”,通过抓重点科室、重点环节、重点人群、重点时节、重点事件,使医院感染管理工作人人重视,欢欢相扣你,处处落实。结果 提高了医院全员对医院感染管理的认识,是各项医院感染管理制度与措施得以落实,控制了医院感染。结论 督查管理是实现“过程管理”,