1999年 7月 ,江苏在全省范围内执行了新的统一销售电价 ,其中 ,基本电费电价调增 50 % ,电度电费电价调增 3%左右。文章由电价调增引起思考 ,对过去自来水企业只求稳定的社会效益 ,忽视企业的经济效益的现象做了分析 ,探讨了企业改变基本电费计量方式后如何取得经济效益。
In July 1999, Jiangsu implemented a new uniform electricity sales price across the province. Among them, the basic electricity tariff was increased by 50%, and the electricity tariff for electricity was increased by about 3%. The article was inspired by the increase in electricity prices, and analyzed the phenomenon of water companies in the past seeking only stable social benefits and ignoring the economic benefits of enterprises, and discussed how to obtain economic benefits after the company changed the basic method of electricity metering.