1目的 了解出租车司机对有关艾滋病的知识、态度。 2方法 在青岛市 3个出租车公司随机抽取81名司机 ,进行有关艾滋病知识、态度、信念、行为 (KABP)的调查。共收到有效问卷 77份 ,应答率 95 % .3结果84.4% (6 5 / 77)的人知道艾滋病 ;33.8% (2 6 / 77)的人知道艾滋病病毒是艾滋病的病原体 ;5 5 .8% (43/ 77)的人知道艾滋病经血液传播 ,6 4.9% (5 0 / 77)的人知道其可经母婴垂直传播 ;6 1.1% (47/ 77)的人知道与艾滋病病人性交可传染艾滋病 ;2 5 .9% (2 0 / 77)的人认为避孕套可以预防艾滋病病毒的传播。 5 7.1% (44 / 77)的人认为有必要进行有关艾滋病知识的健康教育。 4结论 出租车司机对艾滋病有关知识了解较少 ,建议在出租车司机中加强有关艾滋病知识的宣传教育 ,预防艾滋病在该人群中传播。
Objective To understand taxi drivers’ knowledge and attitudes about AIDS. Methods Two taxi companies were randomly selected from 81 taxi companies in Qingdao to conduct a survey on knowledge, attitude, beliefs and behavior (KABP) of AIDS. A total of 77 valid questionnaires were received, with a response rate of 95% .3 Results 84.4% (65/77) of people knew about AIDS; 33.8% (26/777) knew that HIV was the cause of AIDS; and 5.58 % (43 of 77) knew about the spread of AIDS through blood and 6 4.9% (50 of 77) knew that they could spread vertically through mother and baby; 6 1.1% (47 of 77) knew that having sex with an AIDS patient 25.5% (20/77) believed that condoms could prevent the spread of HIV. 5 7.1% (44/77) of people think it is necessary to carry out health education on HIV / AIDS knowledge. 4 Conclusions Taxi drivers know little about AIDS-related knowledge. It is suggested that publicity and education on HIV / AIDS knowledge should be strengthened among taxi drivers to prevent the spread of AIDS among these people.