Schumacher Returning to Formula One 等

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  Schumacher Returning to Formula One
  In December 2009, at the age of 40, Michael Schumacher, the king of car racing, announced that he would return to race in Formula One in 2010 after three seasons in retirement. He signed a three-year deal to drive for the new Mercedes Grand Prix team and he will race alongside another German, Nico Rosberg, who is 15 years younger. This could be the most exciting news of last year for the F1 fans.
  Schumacher is absolutely the greatest driver the sport has ever seen. He has won seven Formula One world drivers’ titles in his 16-year career. Furthermore, he holds many other records in Formula One, including most drivers’ championships, race victories, fastest laps, pole positions, points scored and most races won in a single season. But a neck injury from a motorcycle racing accident prevented him from driving and forced him to retire in 2006.
  Schumacher’s return causes a hot issue: whether he will get the eighth Formula One world drivers’ title? The former driver Mansell’s words may give the answer:“It wouldn’t surprise me if Michael challenged for another world championship.” Regardless of the question, Schumacher has already made a new record. He is the oldest driver in Formula One since Nigel Mansell raced in 1995 at 41.
  Question: From which sentence can we infer that Schumacher is German?
  How Little exergise Do you Need?
  Recently researchers went through a vast database of survey information about the health and habits of men and women in Scotland, hoping to determine how much exercise is needed to keep the Scots from feeling depressed. The answer is: a mere 20 minutes a week of any physical activity, whether sports, walking, gardening or even housecleaning. The researchers found that more activity brought more mental-health benefits. But their overall conclusion was that being active for as little as 20 minutes a week is enough, if your goal is mental health.
  How much—or how little—exercise is enough? This is a question difficult to answer. Figuring out an ideal exercise dosage is not simple, partly because the amount of exercise needed depends on the benefits you hope to gain. Twenty minutes a week of housecleaning or other activity may increase your satisfaction, but it certainly won’t do much for your physical fitness and is unlikely to lessen your risks for diseases. It also won’t help much with weight loss.
  According to the report, “It has been estimated that people who are physically active for about seven hours a week have a 40 percent lower risk of dying early than those who are active for less than 30 minutes a week.”
  Question: What do the underlined words “exercise dosage” mean?
   Grovndhog Day Phil is a TV weatherman who seems charming and smart on camera, but when the red light goes off, he is self-centered and conceited. On February 2, 1992, Phil is given a job that he hates: the annual Groundhog Day festivities in Punxsutawney where the citizens wait for the appearance of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog who will decide the length of winter by his ability to see his own shadow. Phil is eager to go home, but because of a snowstorm he has to stay in Punxsutawney. Phil wakes up the next morning with the strangest feeling that he seems to be living the same day over again. The next morning it happens again, and then again. Soon, no matter what he does, he always stays in February 2, 1992. Neither going to prison nor killing himself nor kidnapping the groundhog gets him out of the town. But the more Phil lives the same day, the more he’s forced to look at other people’s lives, and something unusual happens: he begins to care about others, starts to respect people and tries to save the life of a homeless man. In 2006, Groundhog Day was added to the United States National FilmRegistry as being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” ·Idiom· ★ at each other’s throats 剑拔弩张,激烈争吵 —That is what I want. It’s nice not being at each other’s throats. ★ neck and neck 旗鼓相当,不分上下 —Their experience and working abilities are neck and neck. ★ loosen up 放轻松 —The teacher encourages his students to loosen up their minds and bodies through play. THE STAMP WHICH DISAPPEARS Put a stamp on your table. Then put a glass of water on the stamp. Cover the glass with a saucer, as shown. The stamp disappears! Try to walk around the glass and look into it from different sides. You will not be able to see the stamp. The explanation lies in the phenomenon of refraction. The rays of light bend when they pass at an angle from water to air. The broken lines in the picture show the refraction. There is no angle from which you can see the stamp. 阅读中,你遇到“拦路虎”了吗?请参考: Formula One 一级方程式赛车 Mercedes Grand Prix team 梅赛德斯大奖赛车队 title 冠军头衔 fastest lap 最快圈速 pole position 杆位 points scored 积分 database 数据库 depressed 精神不振的 figure out 计算出 dosage 剂量 estimate 估计 Groundhog Day 土拨鼠日 conceited 自负的 Punxsutawney 土拨鼠镇 kidnap 绑架 United States National Film Registry 美国国家电影目录 deem 认为 culturally 文化意义上 historically 历史意义上 aesthetically 美学意义上 significant 值得关注的 saucer 碟子 refraction 折射 Keys Schumacher Returning to Formula One: Schumacher will race alongside another German. How Little Exercise Do You Need?: They mean “the amount of exercise”.
室外温度以0℃为中心上下波动。寒风吹得香樟叶子呼啦啦地响,我们捂着围巾匆匆往返于寝室、食堂和教室之间。  周三下午学生会照例在校园的各处宣传点拉横幅,换海报。无非是些无关紧要的内容,什么社团风采展示啦,志愿者活动啦,反正我们早已接受了与这些活动无缘的事实。也许这时节还会加点期末考动员口号,毕竟日子渐渐逼近了。可是两天一测试,七天一检验,月考更是雷打不动的惯例,我们还需要动员么?早已是“黄沙百战穿金
在老师、家长和学生眼里,高三已经成为一个冲刺、拼搏的代名词,高三的生活主题除了学习,就是成绩,别的很少有人提及。在这样的认知和氛围中要健康发展,需要有良好的心理品质,以及积极面对的心态,否则就会出现不适应。仔细分析起来,同学们刚升入高三时主要存在如下问题:  来自他人、自我的过分期待容易激发一些同学过强的学习动机。动机和学习效果的关系是倒U型的,动机的中等程度的激发或唤起,对学习具有最佳的效果。动
【编者按】高考语文卷的作文考查,越来越注重引导同学们关注时代、关注现实生活。同时,写作时若总是引用众所周知的那几个历史文化名人材料,难免会让阅卷老师感到新意匮乏,有“套话”之嫌。因此,本刊特别搜集一批时鲜写作素材,请名师为大家指点解读角度,提示妙用方法。    ·事件·    节能减排,大国的责任  2009年末,第15届联合国气候变化大会在丹麦哥本哈根召开。会上,发达国家和发展中国家就减排的义务
2006年高考文科综合能力测试全国卷Ⅰ第37题是一道历史学科内综合试题,分值32分。这道试题以材料与问题相结合的形式出现。不少考生认为这道题很难,在答卷上写得满满当当,但是能答到得分点的却较少。造成这种现象的一个重要原因,就是没有掌握好解答这类试题的方法,解题的能力欠佳。下面结合2006年高考文科综合测试全国卷Ⅰ第37题,谈谈历史综合题的解答方法。  例题:光辉灿烂的中华文明,以华夏文化为基础,融
2011年浙江省高考英语参考卷的阅读理解部分首次出现了篇幅超过800词的阅读材料,不少同学对这样的变化感到焦虑和紧张。  其实,作为已经掌握了一定英语基础知识的高中生,我们完全没有必要对长篇阅读材料感到恐惧。因为在整份英语试卷中,阅读理解的难度是相对较低的,理由有二:首先,相较单项选择和完形填空,阅读理解的材料是完整无缺的;其次,相较短文改错,阅读理解的材料是正确无误的,这些都为理解文意提供了良好
鸟瞰墨尔本鸟瞰博尔德全球最宜居城市——墨尔本  在英国《经济学人》周刊信息部公布的2017年全球“宜居城市”榜单上,澳大利亚的墨尔本连续第7年位居榜首,蝉联冠军,成为榜单上最耀眼的“明星”城市。墨尔本得到的总分高达97.5分,医疗、教育和基础设施三项几乎满分。奥地利首都维也纳得了97.4分,屈居第二。  全球“宜居城市”榜单发布已有10年历史,涵盖全球140座城市。评选时采用30个定性和定量指标,
自画像咋画的  小high和阿拉雷去参观画展。小high在一位知名画家的一幅自画像前驻足观赏了很久,忽然疑惑地问阿拉雷:“他的两只手都插在口袋里,怎么能自己画自己呢?”    热心的小high  小high看到公司新来的同事阿拉雷手里拿着一张纸,满脸疑惑地站在碎纸机前,于是热心地上前问他是否需要帮忙。  阿拉雷:“请问,这个机器要怎么用?”  小high从阿拉雷手中拿过那张纸,放入碎纸机中,开始示