精神胜利法这是一种有益身心健康的心理防卫机制。在你的事业、爱情、婚姻不尽人意时,在你因经济上得不到合理的对待而伤感时,在你无端遭到人身攻击或不公正的评价而气恼时,在你因生理缺陷遭到嘲笑而郁郁寡欢时,你不妨用阿 Q 的精神调适一下你失衡的心理,营造一个祥和、豁达、坦然的心理氛围。难得糊涂法这是心理环境免遭侵蚀的保护膜。在一些非原则的问题上“糊涂”一下,无疑能提高心理承受的率
Spiritual Victory Act This is a psychological defense mechanism that is good for your body and mind. In your career, love, marriage, less than satisfactory, when you are not reasonably treated by the economic sadness, when you have no reason to be personally attacked or unjust evaluation of the angry, because you are suffering from physical defects To ridicule and unhappy, you may wish to use the spirit of Ah Q to adjust your unbalanced psychology, to create a peaceful, open-minded, calm psychological atmosphere. Rare confused method This is the psychological environment from erosion of the protective film. On some non-principle issues “confused ” about, will undoubtedly improve the rate of psychological endurance