本期John Murtagh教授与我们分享了一例让人困惑的13岁女孩周期性下腹和耻骨弓上部疼痛的病案。澳大利亚Monash大学杨辉教授对本文进行了翻译点评,以飨我国读者。在此衷心感谢Murtagh教授和担任本栏目翻译点评工作的杨辉教授对中国全科医学发展给予的大力支持和帮助!
In this issue, Professor John Murtagh shared with us a case of puzzled 13-year-old girl with lower abdominal pain and suprapubic pain. Professor Yang Hui of Monash University in Australia conducted a translation comment on this article to readers in our country. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Murtagh and Professor Yang Hui for his translation review on this column for his support and assistance to the development of Chinese general medicine.