老年人普遍存在缺钙现象,由此产生的后果也较严重,虽予以补钙治疗,但效果并不理想,甚至有加重动脉血管硬化和引起肾结石的弊病。有关研究结果认为,老年人缺钙仅仅是表面现象,其实质在于肾机能和软组织细胞膜的功能是否健全。故补钙治疗,仅适用于膳食中钙摄入不足的病人,而对于肾机能不全和膜功能缺损的老年人来说,缺钙最根本的纠正方法在于补肾。 现代医学研究证明,中医所说的“肾”不仅包括了现代医学上肾脏的全部排泄功能,而且还包括了许多神经、内分泌功能。实践证明,补肾治疗可以强骨壮筋。其原理在于增加
The common phenomenon of calcium deficiency in the elderly, the resulting consequences are more serious, although to calcium treatment, but the effect is not satisfactory, and even aggravate the arterial sclerosis and the ills caused by kidney stones. The study concluded that calcium deficiency in the elderly is only a superficial phenomenon, its essence lies in the function of the renal function and soft tissue cell membrane is sound. Therefore, calcium treatment, only for dietary calcium intake in patients with inadequate, and for the elderly with renal insufficiency and membrane defects, the most fundamental method of correcting calcium deficiency is kidney. Modern medical research proves that “kidney” as referred to by Chinese medicine not only includes all excretion functions of the kidney in modern medicine, but also includes many nerve and endocrine functions. Practice has proved that kidney treatment can strong bone strong gluten. The principle is to increase