The purpose is to reestablish the balance laws of momentum, angular momentumand energy and to derive the corresponding local and nonlocal balance equations form
<正> 近些年来,关于文艺批评的标准问题,是毛泽东文艺思想研究中争论最多的问题之一,许多研究者对于将文艺批评标准划分为政治标准和艺术标准,特别是对于政治标准第一和艺术标准第二的理论提出了异议,而对于文艺批评标准是什么,众说纷纭。这是文艺理论研究中亟待解决的问题。笔者试从这一方面作些探索,以就正于学术界。一两个标准理论的历史回顾将文艺批评标准划分为两个,以及提出谁第一第二的问题,并非从毛泽东开始。在
A method is proposed for synthesizing output feedback controllers for nonlinear Lur' e systems. The problem of designing an output dynamic controller for un
The time periodic solution problem of damped generalized coupled nonlinear wave equations with periodic boundary condition was studied. By using the Galerkin me
<正> 屈原的《天问》是一首奇特而玮丽的哲理诗。它的一百七十多个问题就象一百七十多个理性的闸门,情感的滤箱,任何传统的社会、政治、伦理、历史、神话、传说的事件和观念,都要通过作者批判和怀疑的审查、过滤、筛选、淘汰,才汇成巨流,涌上笔端,著之竹帛,激起浪花,蔚为形象,传流久远,动人心弦,新人耳目,发人深思。它是时代批判的
The controllability for switched linear system with time-delay in controls was first investigated. The whole work contains three parts. This is the first part,
The existing various couple stress theories have been carefully restudied. Thepurpose is to propose a coupled Noether's theorem and to reestablish rather co
The purpose is to reestablish rather complete basic balance equations and boundary conditions for polar thermomechanical continua based on the restudy of the tr