Supply & Demand InformationChina Exhibition

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  Tel: +86-771-5807700 Email: [email protected]
  Release Date:
  July 4, 2016
  Region: Guangdong, China
  *Quantity Required: 1,000,000
  *E-mail: [email protected]
  Electric bicycle
  Release Date:
  July 5, 2016
  Region: Guangdong , China
  *Quantity Required: 10,000
  *E-mail: [email protected]
  Hair drier
  Release Date:
  July 10, 2016
  Region: Guangdong, China
  *Quantity Required: 100,000
  *Tel: +86-13711187389
  *E-mail: [email protected]
  Energy-saving lamp
  Release Date:
  July 11, 2016
  Region: Jiangsu, China
  *Quantity Required: 50
  *Tel: +86-18700768750
  Barcode printer
  Release Date:
  July 11, 2016
  Region: Shandong, China
  *Quantity Required: 2
  *Tel: +86-13176086528
  Square timber
  Release Date:
  July 12, 2016
  Region: Anhui, China
  *Quantity Required: 100
  *Tel: +86-17756031082
  Thick cotton pure color bath towel
  Release Date:
  July 2, 2016
  Region: Shandong, China
  *Quantity Supplied: 197
  *Material: Pure cotton
  *Size: 70 cm×130 cm
  *Tel: +86-536-2880248
  Bluetooth headset
  Release Date:
  July 11, 2016
  Region: Guangzhou, China
  *Quantity Supplied: 4,690
  *Sound Channel: Stereo
  *Transmission Range: 10 meters
  *Tel: +86-020-36450093
  Detector diode
  Release Date:
  July 12, 2016
  Region: Jiangsu, China
  *Quantity Supplied: 1,000,000 PCS
  *Product Type: 1N60
  *Material: Germanium (Ge)
  *Tel: +86-510-87890160 / 87890760
  Global Food Security and Sustainability Conference 2016
  VENUE: DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Beijing, China
  DATE: September 5-7, 2016
  Tel: +86-10-650-268 9744
  Global Food Security and Sustainability Conference 2016 is to be held in DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Beijing, China on September 5-7, 2016. The organizer is OMICS Group. With the theme of “Generating Sustainable Ideas to Feed the Future”, Global Food Security and Sustainability Conference 2016 will be designed to address scientists, scholars, and different societies supporting food security, industries and so on.
  HKTDC World Boutique,Hong Kong 2016
  VENUE: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)   DATE: September 7-10, 2016
  Tel: +852-2240 4323 / 4132
  Organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), HKTDC World Boutique, Hong Kong 2016 is dedicated to promoting brands in fashion, which will take place at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) on September 7-10, 2016. Last year, the total exhibition area of HKTDC World Boutique, Hong Kong 2015 was 8,917 square meters, gathering 303 exhibitors and 16,455 visitors.
  IFresh China International Fruit & Vegetable Expo 2016
  VENUE: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)
  DATE: November 14-16, 2016
  Tel: +86-21-5589 5685
  Jointly organized by iFresh Information Ltd. and VNU Exhibitions Asia, the aim of iFresh China International Fruit & Vegetable Expo 2016 is to build up a convenient, transparent and win-win business ecosystem of agricultural products, and to help global providers to sell their fresh products. Last year, iFresh Expo attracted totally 9,860 professional visitors from over 20 countries such as Australia, Korea, America, Germany, Argentina, Netherlands, Singapore, England, Malaysia and Canada. The signed contract rate reached 75%, with turnover surpassing 10 billion yuan.
  Guangzhou International Electric Vehicles Show 2016
  VENUE: China Import and Export Fair Complex
  DATE: November 11-18, 2016
  Tel: +86-20-8926 8978
  Guangzhou International Electric Vehicles Show is the largest one in the field of electric vehicles in the southern China. Held in Guangzhou, the second largest economic center in China, the exhibition offers great potential and thousands of opportunities to enterprises at home and abroad. It is estimated that the exhibition in 2016 will attract more than 460,000 buyers and a great number of companies and enterprises.
  Bearing 2016 - 2016 China International Bearing Industry Exhibition
  VENUE: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
  DATE: September 20-23, 2016
  Tel: +86-10-6331 7090 / 7099
  As the world’s biggest show in bearing industry, Bearing 2016 - 2016 China International Bearing Industry Exhibition will be held at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center (SWEECC, Formerly Shanghai World Expo Theme Pavilion), China on September 20-23, 2016. Bearing 2016 - 2016 China International Bearing Industry Exhibition, with the motivation of professional spirit, offers an excellent chance to showcase bearings equipments, bearings, and so on.
  FIBO China 2016
  VENUE: Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing
  DATE: September 8-10, 2016
  Tel: +86-10-8455 6652
  As the leading fitness trade show in the world, FIBO China 2016 will take place at Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Center of International Sourcing (SHCEC), China on September 8-10, 2016. FIBO China provides a vast platform for international exchange covering trade, education, and ultimate experience in fitness and healthy lifestyle. With more than 30 years of successful history, FIBO China, has been setting up trade stage for various products, such as cutting-edge training equipments, functional gears, food supplements and sports garments & accessories.
说到中国—东盟博览会的永久举办地中国南宁,许多人会想到“半城绿树半城楼”的“绿城”美誉,也会想到“大地飞歌”的壮乡风情。而就在这座充满了活力的城市一隅,山清水秀的青秀山旅游风景区犹如一颗翡翠镶嵌其中,是南宁最亮丽的城市旅游名片之一。其最大的特色为生态旅游和东盟旅游,景区每年都会在东博会期间接待东盟国家领导人及游客。  为树立良好对外形象,搭建东盟友谊平台,青秀山旅游风景区对自身建设和促进与东盟国家
下一片电子商务发展的蓝海在哪儿?中国电商巨头阿里巴巴用行动把票投给了东盟国家。继2014年陆续投资新加坡邮政、印度支付公司Paytm及英文报纸《南华早报》之后,2016年4月,阿里巴巴又宣布斥资10亿美元拿下了东盟第一电商Lazada的控股权,成功为其布局东盟市场再落一“棋”。  如果说两年前开始的诸项投资是阿里巴巴为进入东盟市场,在物流、支付、舆论方面落下的“棋子”,那么这次掷金10亿美元,阿里
提及马六甲,大多数中国人都耳熟能详。  作为昔日古代海上丝绸之路中的重要商港和连接东西方贸易往来的全球重要交汇点,今天中马两国共建“一带一路”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”合作中的重要节点,马六甲踌躅满志,意气风发。  近期,在马六甲—广东投资与旅游业论坛上,马六甲州首席部长依德利斯接受了本刊记者的专访。在专访中,依德利斯表示:马六甲与中国的联系颇有历史渊源,加上拥有历史韵味十足的文化遗迹、地道独特的
文莱金融管理局发言人日前表示,中国银行(香港)有限公司(简称“中银香港”)已经获得该金融监管机构的批准,将在文莱开设分行。自此,经济大国——中国对文莱的投资或将更加顺风顺水。  文莱财政部副部长拿督 Paduka Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Lie w bin Abdullah利用俄罗斯商务代表团欢迎仪式间歇解释称,“中银香港”进驻文莱,将助推中国企业在文莱的贸易发展。他指出:
2016年5月26日,中国—中南半岛经济走廊发展论坛与中国—东盟港口城市合作网络工作会议同期举行。这是首次在泛北部湾经济合作论坛(以下简称“泛北论坛”)总框架之下,同期举办两个活动。通过海上合作与陆上合作的有机结合,泛北论坛突出了泛北合作陆海统筹的独特作用,展示了泛北合作开放包容的鲜明特色。  据了解,本届论坛取得了一系列重要成果,主要体现在四个方面:各方高度认同共建“一带一路”给泛北合作带来的重
第九届泛北部湾经济合作论坛(以下简称“泛北论坛”)定于2016年5月26日召开。在中国方面的积极主导和与会各方的响应之下,泛北论坛成果丰硕,为丰富双边合作内涵、共建中国—东盟命运共同体,同时将泛北合作打造成为中国—东盟新增长极发挥了重要作用。  泛北论坛的成功举办,不仅要归功于时代的需求、域内各界的重视等,还应感谢在论坛背后孜孜不倦从事论坛筹备工作的人们。在第九届泛北论坛召开前夕,本刊记者前往论坛
在当下,泰国以其旖旎浪漫的热带风情,浓厚的宗教文化色彩,别样的民俗风情日渐成为了中国游客热门的旅游之地。但中国与泰国两国民众在非语言交际行为方面差异较多,特别是非语言交际的礼仪规范方面。表情语态、肢体语态等非语言交际因素与寒暄问候、赞誉抱歉等语言交际因素一样,都能影响双方在交际过程中对审美观、价值观的不同理解。所以到泰国旅游,你最好先知道这些。  见面礼:要不要伸手?  无论在哪个国家,见面和辞别
“Two Countries, Twin Parks”, namely, China-Malaysia Qinzhou Industrial Park (CMQIP) and Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP), which face each other across the sea, is viewed as a milestone f