一、学习小平实事求是思想,澄清“接轨”中的误区 有人提出为了与国际经济接轨,是否还需要在企业设置党组织,并发挥政治核心作用。小平说“在今天的中国,决不应该离开党的领导”。我们在看到市场经济的共性的同时,还必须看到我们中国的个性。资本主义只为我们提供了一般市场经济的一些规律和通则,它不可能为我们提供具有中国特色的社会主义现代企业制度。像公有制、共同富裕、党的领导、工人阶级主人翁地位等这些社会主义国有企业的基 、本特征,怎么能够与西方资本主义企业去完全“接轨”呢?正确的态度应该是从我们的国情出发,在继承传统优势的基础上借鉴外国经验,建立起具有中国特色的现代企业制度。
I. Learn Xiaoping’s Idea of Seeking Truth from Facts and Clarifying the Mistakes in “Connecting with” Someone suggested whether to establish party organizations in enterprises and to play the core role of politics in order to be in line with the international economy. Xiaoping said “in today’s China, we must never leave the party’s leadership.” While we are seeing the commonalities of the market economy, we must also see the personality of our China. Capitalism only provides us with some laws and general rules of a general market economy. It can not provide us with a modern socialist enterprise system with Chinese characteristics. How can these characteristics of the socialist state-owned enterprises, such as public ownership, common prosperity, party leadership, and the status of the working class as masters, be fully integrated with Western capitalist enterprises? The correct attitude should be based on our national conditions , Drawing on foreign experience on the basis of inheriting the traditional advantages and establishing a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.