吃面条也能过敏致命?这听起来有点耸人听闻,但绝不是天方夜谭。2009年4月23日,新华社、健康报、北京晚报、新浪网、搜狐网、凤凰网等多家媒体同时刊登了这一消息。消息源于北京协和医院变态(过敏)反应科尹佳教授和文利平医生的“关于1 5例‘吃面食以后运动诱发的过敏性休克’病例”报告(这种病在
Noodles can be allergic to fatal? This sounds a little sensational, but by no means a fantasy. April 23, 2009, Xinhua News Agency, Health Daily, Beijing Evening News, Sina, Sohu, Phoenix and many other media also published the news. According to the report of Professor Yin Jia and Dr. Wen Liping of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Department of Allergy and Allergy, Peking Union Medical College Hospital about 15 cases of anaphylactic shock induced by pasta after eating pasta,