An Acrylic Lock Created to Stop children Stealing Nutella

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   There’s nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast-only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar. But German inventor Daniel Schobloch has come up with a brilliantly simple solution to the pilfering problem-by designing an acrylic[丙烯酸的] lock to keep jars of the chocolate and hazelnut spread safe from sticky fingers.
  The canny gadget, which started life as a joke invention, is currently on sale for 9.99 on eBay Germany. The simple lock is so popular that 1,000 units have been sold so far. The acrylic lock means that no one can open the jar without a key, which will stop late night snackers and early morning pilferers in their tracks.
  Daniel, who works at Borkenkarger Furniture and Fittings, told Berlin-based The Loca/ that his invention started life as a joke. He said:“One of my friends was always getting worked up because his children were always stealing his Nutella.”But once news of his clever creation got out, the demand for the lock started to spread.“As the demand continued to grow we decided to offer the device on eBay,”he continued.
  The lock, which comes with two keys, should not be considered as a proper security device however, as acrylic is easy to break into. Daniel told The Local that the lock is best used as novelty gift or by parents who want to stop their children from gorging on the sweet spread.
   Barmy breakfast inventions seem to be all the rage recently with news of a British designer’s bizarre Wearable Brek range, made especially for cereal fans.
   Dominic Wilcox’s creations include a device which sets off an alarm if your cereal is too soggy, a crane that serves milk and cereal into your bowl, a cereal drone that flies Rice Krispies from shop counter to table and an e-Spoon that measures the mouthfuls of food as you eat. The prototypes, commissioned by Kellogg’s, were created with the aim of adapting the“wearable tech”trend to revolutionise the way we eat breakfast.
有一天晚上,我坐在窗口,时间刚过半夜,大厦入口的木闸栅栏已放下。这时有车子回来按喇叭,管理员就从休息室出来开闸。没过多久,我见到外公的车子驶入,慢慢停在入口。没有喇叭声,只见他下车自己开启木闸,把车开了进来,再放下木闸。他没有劳烦管理员,自己能做的事就顺手做了。  这一幕,永远印在我的心里。  (文/张艾嘉)
【摘 要】   在高中英语课程的教学中,教师们经常会发现学生仍然频繁的受到母语的影响,对于英语这门语言的理解与掌握仍然不够深入。这是实际教学中很多教师们都会碰到的问题,这也是想要提升知识教学效率需要解决的一个难题。教师可以合理地对母语进行迁移与利用,透过灵活的教学引导与启发让大家能够在母语的辅助下更好地习得与掌握这门新的语言,这对于提升课堂教学质量将会是很积极的促进。  【关键词】   高中英
去植物园踏青,一个小朋友指着水中刚刚冒出一点尖芽的芦苇求解,父母竟随口说是荷花。旁边的工作人员赶忙纠正,那是刚发芽的芦苇,“蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方”,“蒹葭”指的就是它。我也一时愕然,早已烂熟于心的诗作名篇,竟然从没有仔细对照过其中字词的现实含义。  因为太过熟悉,往往会在无意间忽略了很多细节,因为习惯于接受,往往会消磨掉主动探索的自觉。对于充满求知欲、进取心的人而言,每一天都是新
1.尊重他人,亲疏随缘。我相信,一切好的友谊都是自然而然形成的。我还认为,再好的朋友也应该有距离,太热闹的友谊往往就会是空洞而且是无物的。”  ——汪涵  2.有三个人是我的朋友:爱我的人、恨我的人、对我冷漠的人。爱我的人教我温柔,恨我的人教我谨慎,对我冷漠的人教我自立。  ——佚名  3.朋友是我们的镜子,我们的记忆。我们对他们一无所求,只是希望他们时时擦亮这面镜子,让我们可以从中看看自己。  
When it is May, 我在五月里,  I like to run, 爱到户外去,  Out in the sun! 陽光下面跑!  It is such fun, 户外做游戏,  To play and run, 阳光下面跑,  Out in the sun! 这样多有趣!
近年来,随着新课改的深入推进,高考英语书面表达题呈现一些新的特点和趋势。具体来说,写作情景的设置更加灵活多样、写作话题新颖时尚,提纲作文逐步代替了要点作文,写作的开放性逐步增强。而且,有些省市书面表达的分值有所增加。显而易见,高考加大了对学生写作能力的考查力度。   但是,高考阅卷发现,考生在英语写作方面存在各种问题:有些考生审题不清,导致短文偏离主题;有的行文缺乏逻辑,层次混乱;有的语言表达生
The Thirty-Six Stratagems[三十六计] was a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, as well as in civil interaction, often through unorthodox or deceptive means. No on