中国金属学会选矿学会工艺矿物学学术委员会定于1987年第四季度在长沙召开学术会议。现将有关征文事宜通知如下: (一)论文内容①黑色金属矿石和辅助原料工艺矿物学研究的国内外发展现状。②工艺矿物学在选冶实践中的地位及实际应用。③工艺矿物学研究规范的论述。④工艺矿物学研究的新方法与设备以及软件的开发。 (二)征文办法 1.凡拟向本届会议提供论文者,请于
The Academic Committee of Process Mineralogy of the Concentration Society of the Chinese Metal Society is scheduled to hold an academic conference in Changsha in the fourth quarter of 1987. The relevant essay issues are hereby notified as follows: (1) The content of this paper is the current status of research on the development of process mineralogy in ferrous metal ore and auxiliary materials. 2 The status and practical application of process mineralogy in the practice of dressing and smelting. 3 Process mineralogy research specification discussion. 4 Development of new methods and equipment for process mineralogy and software. (II) Measures for Proposal 1. Any person who intends to provide papers for this session, please