Existing research has demonstrated the unique operating characteristics of freeways, including the dual-capacity phenomenon, which shows that freeways have greater capacity than free-running (non-queuing) conditions than queuing conditions.In isolated ramp areas , The existence of dual-ability phenomenon determines the efficiency of ramp control in alleviating the traffic delays of freeways and on-ramps.This paper further explores whether the microscopic simulation model (VISSIM) can calibrate the duplicate duality phenomenon based on the analysis of the relevant features of the phenomenon. It is pointed out that the micro-simulation model must be capable of reproducing the dual-capacity phenomenon when it is used to study the evaluation of ramp control delay, otherwise, it will lead to the wrong conclusion.It is found that most microscopic simulation models such as VISSIM use the traditional relaxation theory , But can not automatically show the dual ability phenomenon.However, if using a special set of encoding parameters in VISSIM can reproduce the dual-capacity phenomenon.Using the VISSIM model, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the ramp control and dual-capacity phenomenon, found that the ramp control is reduced The gap between the dual-value, especially when using queuing policy.As the freeway running in the state Difficult to assess the ability, the ability to be used herein recommended value in the queued state instead.