对扬中市居民中68 例食管癌和141 例胃癌进行了病例对照研究。经条件Logistic 回归分析表明,常饮绿茶可使食管癌和胃癌的OR 值下降,其中食管癌和除贲门外其他部位胃癌达统计学显著水平,且饮茶年数和用茶叶量与效果之间有剂量反应关系。
A case-control study of 68 cases of esophageal cancer and 141 cases of gastric cancer among residents of Yangzhong City was conducted. Conditional logistic regression analysis showed that Changyin green tea could reduce the OR value of esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. Among them, esophageal cancer and other parts of the stomach outside the cardia were statistically significant, and there was a difference between the number of years of tea drinking and the amount and effect of tea. Dose-response relationship.