西蒙·克里奇利(Simon Critchley),现任纽约社会研究新学院哲学系教授,约翰·乔纳斯荣誉教授,欧洲哲学论坛执行委员会创始委员、常任委员,曾任英国现象学学会主席,国际哲学学院负责人,法兰克福大学哲学系研究员.克里奇利笔力雄健,个人学术专著二十本有余,部分著作已译成汉语、法语、德语、西班牙语、日语等多种语言.此外,他还是《卫报》的撰稿人,《纽约时报》大众哲学专栏“石头”的编辑,该专栏已经吸引了数百万的读者.克里奇利对美学和政治伦理学交叉领域的探讨在西方左翼理论家中独树一帜,他的《极少的,近乎无的》、《无尽地要求》、《无信仰者的信仰》等著作在齐泽克与巴迪欧等左翼学者中引发了广泛的理论对话与争锋.在这篇访谈中,克里奇利教授将政治领域不可或缺的美学维度追溯至古希腊,探讨了一些核心美学范式的转换带给伦理学和政治的影响,详细讨论了“诗学虚构”、“崇高化”、“喜剧范式”以及“自律/他律”等概念.克里奇利教授既展现了美学的跨学科研究方法能走多远,又给出西方左翼政治抗争的可能道路.“,”Simon Critchley,English Philosopher,and Hans Jonas Professor in New School,New York,is a founding member of the executive committee of the Forum for European Philosophy,former program director of the Collège International de Philosophie (Ciph) in Paris,former president of the British Society for Phenomenology and a research fellow at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University.He has held visiting professorships at numerous universities and authored more than 20 books,translated into French,German,Spanish,Japanese,Chinese,and other languages.In these books,he developed a strikingly independent Western Leftist philosophical voice and inquired into the increasingly overlapping terrain of aesthetics,politics and ethics.Some of his books like Very Little...Almost Nothing (1997),Infinitely Demanding (2007),The Faith of the Faithless (2012) have generated lively intellectual debate in the West,notably with Slavoj (Z)i(z)ek and Alain Badiou.Critchley also writes for The Guardian and is moderator of “The Stone”,a philosophy column in The New York Times.In this interview,Professor Critchley traces the ineliminable aesthetic dimension of politics back to the time of ancient Greece,and discusses what the shifting of conceptual and normative centers of some pivotal aesthetic paradigms may bring to ethics and politics.Some key concepts,like “poetic fiction”,“sublimation”,“comic paradigm” and the dialectic pair “autonomy/heteronomy” are richly discussed and act as the very hinges which hook up the interacting fields of aesthetics,literature,politics and ethics.By showing how far the multidisciplinary aesthetic methodology will go and what will be its proper direction,Professor Critchley also offers us new potentials of political resistance for western leftists.