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在当今欧美一些大而成功的再造工程(Reengi-neering)中,“超越企业边界”已经成为重点之一。所谓“超越企业边界”,是指企业再造中不只是考虑公司内部的改革,连公司外围也涵括进来以谋求真正的改革。企业边界是企业与供应商、顾客、政府机构及社区等环境的分水岭。企业边界在传统企业中往往是泾渭分明的,这使大多数企业与外部环境之间形成一种内外有别的关系,于是讨价还价、施加压力、隐藏信息的做法就成了做生意必不可少的手段。企业管理也相应地划分为对内管理和对外管理两块。其实,企业边界的副作用是明显的。一般来说,顾客最有能力、也最热心于帮助企业解决内部问题,他们熟悉产品,并且希望得到高质量的产品和服务。同样,供应商也无不希望他们的顾客越做越成功,以便售出更多产品。所以,现代管理应超越企业边界,把“外部人”拉到企业内部流程再造改革中来,谋求利用企业外部力量来增加企业竞争力。 In today’s large and successful reengineering projects in Europe and America (“Reengi-neering”), “beyond the boundaries of enterprises” has become one of the key points. The so-called “beyond the boundaries of enterprises” means that not only the company’s internal reforms are considered in the reengineering of the company, but even the company’s periphery is also included to seek real reforms. Corporate boundaries are the watershed between companies and suppliers, customers, government agencies, and communities. The borders of enterprises are often very different in traditional enterprises. This creates a kind of internal and external relationship between most enterprises and the external environment. Therefore, the practice of bargaining, pressure, and hiding information becomes an essential means of doing business. . Enterprise management is also divided into internal management and external management. In fact, the side effects of corporate borders are obvious. In general, customers are the most capable and eager to help companies solve internal problems. They are familiar with products and want quality products and services. In the same way, suppliers all want their customers to be more successful in order to sell more products. Therefore, modern management should go beyond the boundaries of enterprises and pull “external people” into internal enterprise process reengineering reforms, and seek to use external forces of enterprises to increase the competitiveness of enterprises.
研究表明,在填充150质量份氢氧化铝的三元乙丙胶料中,再添加5质量份炭黑和5质量份硅氧烷化合物,该胶料的阻燃性能大大提高。 The research shows that the addition of 5 pa
本文以问卷和访谈的方法对 67名大学英语学生进行了外语学习课堂焦虑调查和研究。结果表明焦虑比较普遍地存在于这些学生当中 ,而成绩差的学生焦虑比成绩好的要更严重。本文