世界文学名著《尤利西斯》自1922年问世以后,长期没有中译本。1993年底,金隄在台湾出版《尤》的上卷。1994年4月,萧乾与金隄同时在我国大陆翻译出版了《尤》的上卷。1994年10月,萧乾与文洁若夫妇合译的《尤利西斯》全译本率先出版;1996 年,金隄译的全译本也接着上市。
The world literature masterpiece “Ulysses” since its publication in 1922, there is no long-term translation. By the end of 1993, Jindi published a special edition of the volume in Taiwan. In April 1994, Xiao Qian and Jin Di translated and published the “You” scroll at the same time in mainland China. In October 1994, the translation of “Ulysses” by Xiao Qian and Wen Jieruo was the first to be published; in 1996, the full translation of Jindi was also listed.