Design and Implementation of HL7 V3 Gateway

来源 :Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxw123321
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Although the health data exchange standard of Health Level 7(HL7) V2.x (Version 2.0-2.5) has been widely used in hospital and has served well in these few years, the process that hospitals apply the standard of data transfer is very difficult. Because there is no explicit methodology in the HL7 V2.x development process, the gateway design is very complex. However, V3 strives to improve the V2 process and its outcomes. In this paper, the authors present an HL7 V3 gateway design based on the Web Services which can solve the problems of the HL7 V2.x. Web Services is an information exchange protocol regardless of the implementation platform, and is currently the main technology in enterprise application integration (EAI). We firstly introduce how to build HL7 V3 gateway with Web Services, then focus on the design of HL7 gateway, finally realize the parsing and transmission of HL7 V3 message. Although the health data exchange standard of Health Level 7 (HL7) V2.x (Version 2.0-2.5) has been widely used in hospitals and has served well in these few years, the process that hospitals apply the standard of data transfer is very difficult Because this is no explicit methodology in the HL7 V2.x development process, the gateway design is very complex. However, V3 strives to improve the V2 process and its outcomes. In this paper, the authors present an HL7 V3 gateway design based on the Web Services which can solve the problems of the HL7 V2.x. Web Services is an information exchange protocol regardless of the implementation platform, and is currently the main technology in enterprise application integration (EAI). We then introduce how to build HL7 V3 gateway with Web Services, then focus on the design of HL7 gateway, finally realize the parsing and transmission of HL7 V3 message.
摘 要:笔者认为“马拉松跑现象”是在马拉松项目的带动下,由专业运动员、业余“跑马”爱好者及普通民众,以现行“全马、半马、迷你马”等各种赛程,通过各种规模的比赛、自发组织的线上线下练习、日常健身跑步等各种形式,实现一定的社会、经济、文化效益、满足广大人民群众精神生活需要,对社会、文化、政治、经济、环境等领域造成一定影响的特殊事件和社会现象。“马拉松跑现象”是体育文化的重要组成部分,与城市文化建设之间
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