我国林业发展面临的主要问题表现在森林资源数量不足 ,整体质量较差 ;由于木材及林产品需求量大 ,国内森林资源面临巨大压力 ;同时 ,林业企业人力、物力大量闲置。严重的生态环境问题要求人们保护和发展森林资源。通过比较中国与世界上的森林资源 ,认为世界森林资源分布不均、发达国家生产结构调整和发展中国家的对外开放政策为我国开发利用境外森林资源提供了可能。在论述其可行性的基础上 ,提出了境外森林资源开发的基本思路。
The main problems facing China’s forestry development lie in the insufficient quantity of forest resources and the poor overall quality. Due to the huge demand for timber and forest products, the domestic forest resources are under tremendous pressure. Meanwhile, the manpower and material resources of forestry enterprises are largely idle. Serious ecological problems require people to protect and develop forest resources. By comparing the forest resources in China and the rest of the world, we think that the world’s forest resources are unevenly distributed. The readjustment of production structure in developed countries and the opening up policies of developing countries make it possible for our country to develop and utilize overseas forest resources. On the basis of discussing its feasibility, this paper put forward the basic idea of developing forest resources abroad.