有许多人喜欢看《东方时空》,也喜欢白岩松的主持风格,他们觉得他深刻、锐利,语言独特,内藏机锋。当然也是同样的原因,有些观众也觉得白岩松不够平和,不够“生活”。其实呢? 其实和荧屏上的白岩松不大一样,生活中的白岩松是一个充满生活情趣的人。 全心全意地喜爱音乐和体育——他是一个有年头的音响发烧友了,当然从小学中学到大学直到工作,他也是各级业余足球队的主力前锋。家中的客厅里堆得满满的是他悉心收集的五、六百张CD唱片。每天一起床,他做
Many people like to read “Oriental Time and Space” and also like Bai Yansong’s style of chairmanship. They think he is profound, sharp and unique in language with a built-in front. Of course, the same reason, some viewers also feel that Bai Yan Song is not peaceful, not enough “life.” Actually? In fact, and the screen is not the same as the White Rock, Bai Yansong in life is a full of life fun people. Wholeheartedly loves music and sports - he is an elderly audio enthusiast, of course, from primary school to college until work, he is also the main force at all levels amateur striker. The family’s living room full of piles of his carefully collected five or six hundred CD records. Get out of bed everyday, he does