由于头颈部集中了诸多重要器官,解剖关系复杂,在肿瘤医学中独具特色,所以国际上在现代肿瘤学基础上逐步发展起来了一门年轻的学科——头颈肿瘤学。20世纪50年代美国Hayes Martin首次组建“头颈肿瘤外科医师学会”(Society of Head and Neck Surgeons)[1]。目前我国头颈肿瘤的诊治主要由肿瘤医院的头颈外科和综合医院的口腔颌面外科和耳鼻咽喉科完成,同时也有化疗科和放疗科以及其他有关科室参与。
As the head and neck focus on a number of important organs, the anatomy of the complex, unique in oncology, so the international community on the basis of modern oncology and gradually developed a young subject - head and neck oncology. Hayes Martin was first established in the 1950s by the United States Society of Head and Neck Surgeons [1]. At present, the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer in our country is mainly done by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and General Hospital of Cancer Hospital. At the same time, there are also chemotherapy and radiotherapy departments and other related departments involved.