美国司法部正开庭审理一个案子,因许多计算机界的高级行政主管参加而格外惹人注目。主题是关于微软是否应成为政府反垄断政策的打击目标。要讨论这个问题的是与非,人们应重温一下一段还不很久远的有关IBM历史。在1982年,反垄断首席检查官助理william F.Baxter为IBM签署了一项撤诉的协议。这只是一个很短的仅有5段的文件。声明政府已进行进调查并且认为案子托下去没有丝毫好处,应该撤诉。
The U.S. Justice Department is hearing one case before the court and is particularly noticeable by the participation of many senior executives in the computer industry. The topic is whether Microsoft should be the target of a government anti-trust policy. To discuss the issue of right and wrong, people should revisit a period of not too long ago about IBM history. In 1982, antitrust chief prosecutor assistant William F.Baxter signed an agreement to withdraw from IBM. This is just a short, 5-section document. The statement that the government has conducted the investigation and held that the case has no merits, should be withdrawn.