目的探讨2012年我院住院患者抗生素类药物的使用情况。方法综合分析我院2012年住院患者的用药资料,分析抗生素使用频率较高的种类以及联合用药情况。结果共分析3 470份,使用抗生素的患者为1 450例,住院患者应用抗生素频率最多的为头孢菌素类,其次为氟喹诺酮类、氨基糖苷类以及β-内酰胺酶抑制剂等;患者抗生素单一用药、二联用药、三联用药率分别为34.9%、41.9%、21.2%。结论我院住院患者抗生素总体使用率居中,但存在不合理用药情况,今后应进一步改善。
Objective To investigate the use of antibiotics in hospitalized patients in 2012 in our hospital. Methods A comprehensive analysis of 2012 hospital in our hospital medication information, analysis of the higher frequency of use of antibiotics and the combination of drug use. Results A total of 3 470 samples were analyzed, among which 1,450 patients were antibiotics. The most frequently used antibiotics in hospitalized patients were cephalosporins, followed by fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides and β-lactamase inhibitors. Patients’ antibiotics Single drug, two drug, triple drug rates were 34.9%, 41.9%, 21.2%. Conclusion The overall antibiotic use rate of hospitalized patients in our hospital is in the middle, but there is irrational use of antibiotics, and should be further improved in the future.