联系上下文,是阅读理解的一个重要手段,无论理解词语、把握关键语句,还是概括具体内容、阐发抽象内容和含蓄语句,都要用上它。然而,如何联系呢?现解读如下。 一、从对与所要理解的词、句相关的对象和范围的确认上联系。 任何词、句在书面语中都不是孤立存在的,它总是在与别的词、句的互相组合和互相制约中构成一个表义相对完整的语言环境,即“上下文”,并在这一语言环境中表达由其所赋予的特定的含义。一般来说,阅读时所要理解的正是这一特定含义,而这“别的词、句”及其起止,则是与所要理解的词,句相关的对象和范围。因此,弄清所要理解的词、句处于什么样的浯言环境,认定与它相关的“别的词、句”是哪一些,起在哪儿,止在哪儿,其中,最主要、最关键的又是哪一个,对于“上下文”的联系便可以真正“联”到实处,“系”上关键。 例1:阅读下边文字,指出对画线句子
The context of contact is an important means of reading comprehension. Use it whether you understand words, grasp key sentences, or summarize specific content, or abstract abstract content, or implicit sentences. However, how to contact it? Now read as follows. First, contact with the confirmation of the object and scope related to the word or sentence to be understood. No word or sentence exists in isolation from the written language. It always constitutes a relatively complete language environment, ie “context”, in the language and context of other words and sentences. The environment expresses the specific meaning given by it. In general, it is this specific meaning that is understood when reading, and this “other word, sentence” and its beginning and ending are the objects and scope related to the word and sentence to be understood. Therefore, to clarify what kind of rumors the words and sentences to be understood are in, what are the “other words and sentences” related to it, where are they, and where are they, the most important and the most crucial Which one is the connection to the “context” can be truly “linked” to the actual place, and the “system” is the key. Example 1: Reading the following text, pointing out the line drawing sentence