,Photodarkening-Induced Absorption and Fluorescence Changes in Yb Fibers

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:duan01
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We study the photodarkening effect in a double clad ytterbium-doped silica fiber fabricated by modified chemical vapor deposition and solution doping.A common measurement technology for photodarkening is used to study the photodarkening-induced absorption spectra.We present a fast and simple method to observe the PD effect by measurement of the fluorescence spectra.The method proposed here can be used to observe the influence for a short time,and thus reduces the requirements of system stability and heat management.It is obtained that under the condition of 45.5% Yb ion inversion level,photodarkening-induced excessive loss at an equilibrium state is above 4.5dB/m and florescence intensity degradation is above 10% after 500min pumping at 1041 nm for the home-made normal Yb/Al co-doped silica fiber.
【例文展示】  你做我猜  这节作文课,老师带我们玩了一个游戏。  游戏规则是:一人上台表演,根据老师说的词语来比划。可以说话提示,但不能说出词语中的字。两分钟内如果下面的某个同学猜出来,表演的同学和猜对的同学各加一分。  游戏开始了。李敏表演“人才济济”,被吴涛猜出,他们各加一分。后来,我表演“照相机”,终于被陈诚猜出,我高兴得跳起来。  游戏结束,老师在黑板上赫然写道——习作《一次有趣的游戏》
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