系统性红斑狼疮(简称SLE)是自身免疫性疾病,病情极为复杂,每个患者的临床表现都有所不同。但相同的是由于机体免疫功能异常,对外界防御能力下降,感染的可能性明显增加。因感染而导致SLE患者死亡率可占总死亡率的33%,是SLE患者死因中首位因素。 为什么SLE患者易感染 SLE易于感染的原因有三。一是机体细胞免疫功能和体液免疫功能均下降,难以对抗环境中各种微生物的侵袭;二是治疗SLE常使用皮质激素或免疫抑制剂,从而使机体免疫功能进一步下降;三是因为
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease, the condition is extremely complex, each patient’s clinical manifestations are different. But the same is due to the body’s immune dysfunction, decreased defensive capabilities on the outside world, the possibility of infection increased significantly. SLE mortality due to infection can account for 33% of the total mortality, is the first cause of death in SLE patients. Why SLE patients prone to SLE susceptible to infection for three reasons. First, the body’s cellular immune function and humoral immune function are decreased, it is difficult to combat the invasion of various microorganisms in the environment; the second is the treatment of SLE often use corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents, so that the body’s immune function further decline; Third, because