“60秒科学”是一个电台节目,用一分钟的时间为大家带来新鲜、有趣的科学新闻,听众只需花一分钟便能轻松掌握科技发展新方向。在判决道德伦理的案件时,法官会更关注犯罪意图还是犯罪结果?一起来听听吧!文章生词较多,建议先行熟悉,对法律感兴趣的同学可以积累起来哦。Now quiet, and – court!
Innocent? Or guilty? As any judge can tell you, it’s not so simple. What was going on the 1)defendant’s mind is important. Underlying 2)intent is a pretty big deal when it comes to moral judgment.
Past studies have shown that an area of the brain, the
3)temporal parietal junction, shows increased activity when people read about another’s intentions or beliefs.
So recently scientists wanted to see if impairment to the function of this area would have any effect on moral judgment. Their paper appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
The researchers disrupted the activity in the temporal parietal junction using what’s called “4)transcranial magnetic stimulation”
or TMS. And they asked subjects to consider the morality of
various acts. Some where the 5)perpetrator had the intent to harm, others where there was no 6)premeditation.
When subjects had their brain’s affected by TMS, they
focused less on the intention of the perpetrator and more on the outcome of the act. Regardless of whether the 7)protagonist
wanted to poison their friend, if the friend was okay, then it wasn’t such a bad thing. As opposed to a lucky outcome after a 8)heinous act.
Innocent? Or guilty? As any judge can tell you, it’s not so simple. What was going on the 1)defendant’s mind is important. Underlying 2)intent is a pretty big deal when it comes to moral judgment.
Past studies have shown that an area of the brain, the
3)temporal parietal junction, shows increased activity when people read about another’s intentions or beliefs.
So recently scientists wanted to see if impairment to the function of this area would have any effect on moral judgment. Their paper appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
The researchers disrupted the activity in the temporal parietal junction using what’s called “4)transcranial magnetic stimulation”
or TMS. And they asked subjects to consider the morality of
various acts. Some where the 5)perpetrator had the intent to harm, others where there was no 6)premeditation.
When subjects had their brain’s affected by TMS, they
focused less on the intention of the perpetrator and more on the outcome of the act. Regardless of whether the 7)protagonist
wanted to poison their friend, if the friend was okay, then it wasn’t such a bad thing. As opposed to a lucky outcome after a 8)heinous act.