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伴随着改革开放的脚步,1984年8月,新疆广大印刷工作者期盼多年的新疆印刷协会诞生了。新疆印刷协会成立后,始终以“为会员和行业服务,维护会员合法权益”为宗旨,以“提高行业整体素质,促进行业技术进步和经济发展”为己任,为新疆有组织、有规划地促进印刷工业的科技进步,加强印刷企业间的合作,促进信息、技术及人员的交流,推动印刷设备更新、工艺改进以及先进适用技术的应用起到了积极的作用。20年来,新疆印刷协会紧紧抓住改革开放的有利时机,定期召集学术性印刷年会、举办各类印刷研讨会及座谈会,内容涉及企业管理、企业改革、经营理念、薪酬改革、胶印质量、设备改造、印品质量等。同时,为适应事业发展的需要,新疆印刷协会还对全疆印刷行业广大职工进行了持证上岗、胶印技术、印刷计价、技能培训、法律法规等方面的培训,先后有1600余人接受了培训。新疆印刷协会成立后的第二年,就开展了对新疆地 With the pace of reform and opening up, in August 1984, Xinjiang printing press expected many years of Xinjiang Printing Association was born. After its establishment, Xinjiang Printing Association always regards “serving members and industries and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of its members” as its purpose, taking “improving the overall quality of the industry and promoting the technological progress and economic development of the industry” as its own responsibility, It has played a positive role in promoting the scientific and technological progress of the printing industry, enhancing the cooperation among printing enterprises, promoting the exchange of information, technology and personnel, and promoting the updating of printing equipment, the improvement of technology and the application of advanced and applicable technologies. Over the past 20 years, Xinjiang Printing Association has firmly grasped the favorable opportunity of reform and opening up. It regularly convened academic printing annual conferences and held various printing seminars and symposiums on business management, enterprise reform, business philosophy, salary reform, offset printing quality , Equipment modification, printing quality and so on. At the same time, in order to meet the needs of business development, Xinjiang Printing Association also carried out training on certificates of employment, offset printing technology, printing pricing, skills training, laws and regulations of the vast number of employees in the printing industry in Xinjiang. More than 1,600 people have been trained. Xinjiang Printing Association was established the second year, it carried out on Xinjiang
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成都举办美女节,洗化市场热闹非凡,销售十分畅旺,这是美女节中洗化用品市场出现的一道风景线。  秋冬十月,成都举办美女节时不仅迎来了四川各地的美女,也迎来许多省市的美女们,几千美女云集成都。特别引人注目的是选手们坐着三轮花车,游览成都主要大街,引起了轰动,几万人驻足观看,非常热闹,使人大开眼界。过去,一说选美,许多人就摇头;现在,人们的观念变了,不但不摇头,还说跟上了时代。一些家长送来自己漂亮的女孩
1950年7月至1953年7月,美国对朝鲜岛实施海空封锁; 1956年10月,英法两国宣布东地中海和红海“对商船关闭”; 1962年10月22日,美国宣布对古巴实施“隔离”; From July 1950