咨询热线:15014074756咨询邮箱:[email protected]时间:2017年6月16日-18日地点:北京国际会议中心三楼303B房间2017年6月16-18日,一年一度的“201 7中国影音集成科技展”(以下简称CIT展)即将在北京国家会议中心隆重举行,IAG先歌国际影音将携重磅影音新品亮相本次展会。作为国内极具影响力的影音类展会之一,CIT展汇聚了影音集成领域的多种前沿技术、热点产品与核心解决方案,吸引了来自国内外的众多知名品牌厂商、代理商、经销商、系统集成商与
Hotline: 15014074756 E-mail: [email protected] Time: June 16-18, 2017 Venue: Room 303B, 3rd Floor, Beijing International Convention Center June 16-18, 2017 Annual “ 201 7 China Video & Audio Integration Technology Exhibition ”(hereinafter referred to as CIT Exhibition) will be held in Beijing National Convention Center. IAG SAG will bring heavy-weight audio and video products to the show. As one of the most influential audio and video exhibitions in China, CIT brings together a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, hot products and core solutions in the field of AV integration, attracting many well-known brand manufacturers, agents, distributors, System integrators and