泗县地处皖东北,是全国产粮大县,一年两熟制,主要以旱作为主,另有极少部分采取小麦、水稻轮作种植模式。2009年,泗县农机推广站在调研活动中了解到采取小麦、水稻轮作种田效益一直难以提高,经过与农艺技术人员和农户共同探讨,2010年在泗县耕耘农机专业合作社流转的5.3 hm~2(80亩)耕地上探索休耕轮作,取得了较好经济效益,得到了周边农民的认可。
Si County is located in northeastern Anhui Province, is the country’s major grain-producing county, a year two-crop system, mainly drought as the main, while a very small part of wheat, rice rotation cropping patterns. In 2009, Si County agricultural extension station learned in the investigation activities to take wheat, rice rotation has been difficult to improve the efficiency of farming, and agronomic technicians and farmers to explore, in 2010 in Sixian farming machinery cooperatives circulation 5.3 hm ~ 2 (80 acres) of cultivated land to explore fallow rotation, achieved good economic returns, has been recognized by neighboring farmers.