目的对肺部异影结果随访分析,以期对肺癌、肺结核等疾病早发现,早治疗。方法通过电话、上门随访对2000~2009年在彭浦社区卫生服务中心肺部摄片有异影者(结节、高密度影、肿块、胸腔积液、单侧气胸),不能明确诊断者,进行随访。结果 1058例肺部异影,年龄20~89岁平均(60.04岁),其中男性605例(57%),女性453例(43%)。肺部异影随访中确诊为肺癌为632例(60%),肺结核115例(11%),其次肺间质病变、肺部良性肿瘤等。结论加强社区卫生服务中心对肺部异影患者的随访工作,对肺癌、肺结核的早期发现、早期诊断提供依据。
Objective To follow-up analysis of the results of heterotopic lung imaging with a view to early detection and early treatment of diseases such as lung cancer and tuberculosis. Methods By telephone, visit home from 2000 to 2009 in Pengpu Community Health Center lung radiographs (nodules, high density, lumps, pleural effusion, unilateral pneumothorax), can not be diagnosed, carried out Follow-up. Results A total of 1058 pulmonary lesions were found, ranging from 20 to 89 years old (60.04 years), including 605 males (57%) and 453 females (43%). Sixty-two (60%) lung cancers, 115 (11%) pulmonary tuberculosis were diagnosed as follow-up lung diseases, followed by interstitial lung disease and benign lung tumors. Conclusion The follow-up work of community health service centers on patients with abnormal lungs is strengthened, and the basis for early detection and early diagnosis of lung cancer and tuberculosis is provided.