In February 2014, the anti-Japanese war epic drama “Deep Love of the Earth” hit the whole country, starring Song Chunli. Song Chunli, a well-known performing artist, starred in more than 100 films and television shows such as “Plain Underwear Police”, “Nine Incense”, “The Goddess Out of the Smoke”, “Leaving the Days of Lei Feng” Award “, ” Flowers Award “best actress, best supporting actress and other awards. Song Chunli build mostly strong forbear, kind and loving mother image, known as ”mother specialized households “. However, in life, she did not belong to their own children. She and her husband, the Central Conservatory of Music professor Sun Weixi into old age, with wisdom to resolve hidden worries, ushered in a happy old age! Husband retired lonely, ”after the film “ wife Vivian Sun 65 year old retired from the Central Conservatory of Music retired . He and Song Chunli pay attention: ”You are also 59 years old, when we were busy young, very little time to reunite.