一 、 考 题 精 讲 妇见晚景而生愁情;五、六句写 期。表达了作者无法主宰自己的 2004年高考,全国共出了15 思妇伫立玉阶,见鸟归而怀念游 活,浪迹天涯有家难归的感慨。套试题,均对学生的古典诗词的 子;最后两句写思妇设想游人归 ( 三 ) 鉴 赏 诗 歌 的
One, Exquisite Exquisite Commentary Women’s views come to life; five or six sentences are written. Expressing that the author could not dominate the 2004 college entrance examination, a total of 15 Sifu women from all over the country stood by Yushi, seeing the birds returning to their memories of their lives, and feeling that their homes were beyond their reach. The test questions are all on the students’ classical poems; the last two sentences are written on the thoughts of the women and they are intended to be visited by the audience (3).