Metal hydride work pair development and its application on automobile air conditioning systems

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dizenxu
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Aiming at developing exhaust gas driving automobile air conditioning systems, a hydride pair LaNi4.61Mn0.26Al0.13/ La0.6Y0.4Ni4.8Mn0.2 was developed working at 393~473 K/293~323 K/263~273 K. Property tests showed that both alloys have flat plateau slopes and small hystereses; system theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) is 0.711. Based on this work pair, a function proving automobile metal hydride refrigeration system was constructed. The equivalent thermal conductivities of the activated reaction beds were merely 1.1~1.6 W/(m?K), which had not met practical requirement. Intermittent refrigeration cycles were achieved and the average cooling power was 84.6 W at 423 K/303 K/273 K with COP being 0.26. By altering cycling pa- rameters, experiment data showed that cooling power and system COP increase with the growth of heat source temperature as well as pre-heating and regeneration time while decrease with heat sink temperature increment. This study confirms the feasibility of automobile metal hydride refrigeration systems, while heat transfer properties of reaction beds still need to be improved for better performance. Aiming at developing exhaust gas driving automobile air conditioning systems, a hydride pair LaNi4.61Mn0.26Al0.13 / La0.6Y0.4Ni4.8Mn0.2 was developed working at 393~473 K / 293~323 K / 263~273 K. Property tests showed that both both have flat plateau slopes and small hystereses; system theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) is 0.711. Based on this work pair, a function proving automobile metal hydride refrigeration system was constructed. The equivalent thermal conductivities of the activated reaction Intermittent refrigeration cycles were achieved and the average cooling power was 84.6 W at 423 K / 303 K / 273 K with COP being 0.26. By altering cycling pa-rameters, experiment data showed that cooling power and system COP increase with the growth of heat source temperature as well as pre-heating and regeneration time while decrease with heat sink temperature increment. This study confirms the feasibility of auto mobile metal hydride refrigeration systems, while heat transfer properties of reaction beds still need to be improved for better performance.
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