日前,有着149年历史的捷德公司在布拉格正式设立办事处。该公司最初从事专业印刷,现已发展成为年销售额达20亿德国马克,总部位于慕尼黑的跨国性高科技集团。捷德公司支付卡部总监Dieter Bulle先生评价说:“布拉格办事处的建立无疑将从整体上加强我们在东欧的地位。”对这样的决定他还表示:“布拉格办事处的设立意味着捷德公司将会更加贴近服务客户,从而可以快捷而有效地向市场提供基于智能卡的特定解
A few days ago, the 149-year-old G&D company officially established an office in Prague. The company was originally engaged in professional printing and has now developed into a multinational high-tech group headquartered in Munich with annual sales of 2 billion German marks. Dieter Bulle, Director of Payment Cards at G&D, commented: ”The establishment of the Prague office will undoubtedly strengthen our position in Eastern Europe as a whole.“ He also said to this decision: ”The establishment of the Prague office means G&D will be closer to serving customers, so that it can quickly and effectively provide the market with specific solutions based on smart cards.